Sevenstar Blog: How To Add Custom Sidebars in MYBB. Complete Tutorial

Monday 23 February 2015

How To Add Custom Sidebars in MYBB. Complete Tutorial

MYBB Is one of the most popular and attractive software for online forums. If you want your own community forum then i will recommend 'MYBB' beacuse of its simplicity and easyness. I used it personaly and found it best one for me.

Custom Specifications:

  • You can use this forum software free.
  • You can customize it according to your requirements.
  • You can add advertisement(adsence, infolinks etc) in it.

How To Add Custom Sidebar in MYBB.

Today i will tell you how to add custom sidebar in Mybb forum as its not defualt in mybb and you have to enter manually into it.
First Goto

“Templates & Styles” -> Click “Templates” -> Click on your active Theme -> Click On “Index Page Templates” -> Click “Index”

Now add some code into it. Find this piece of code by pressing CTRL+F.
Now add the below code just above '{$header}'.
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td valign="top">

Now again find

and just before {$footer} paste the below code.

<td valign="top" width="160px">
<table border="0" cellspacing="2px" cellpadding="2px" width="100%" align="center">

<td class="thead">
Title One

Codes For Title One

<td class="thead">
Title Two

Codes For Title Two


thats it! save your template.

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